View all text of Subjgrp 406 [§ 986.1 - § 986.43]

§ 986.29 - Pecans.

(a) Pecans means and includes any and all varieties or subvarieties of Genus: Carya, Species: illinoensis, expressed also as Carya illinoinensis (syn. C. illinoenses) including all varieties thereof, excluding hicans, that are produced in the production area and are classified as:

(1) Native or seedling pecans harvested from non-grafted or naturally propagated tree varieties;

(2) Improved pecans harvested from grafted tree varieties bred or selected for superior traits of nut size, ease of shelling, production characteristics, and resistance to certain insects and diseases, including but not limited to: Desirable, Elliot, Forkert, Sumner, Creek, Excel, Gracross, Gratex, Gloria Grande, Kiowa, Moreland, Sioux, Mahan, Mandan, Moneymaker, Morrill, Cunard, Zinner, Byrd, McMillan, Stuart, Pawnee, Eastern and Western Schley, Wichita, Success, Cape Fear, Choctaw, Cheyenne, Lakota, Kanza, Caddo, and Oconee; and

(3) Substandard pecans that are blowouts, cracks, stick-tights, and other inferior quality pecans, whether native or improved, that, with further handling, can be cleaned and eventually sold into the stream of commerce.

(b) The Council, with the approval of the Secretary, may recognize new or delete obsolete varieties or sub-varieties for each category.