View all text of Subjgrp 44 [§ 319.55-1 - § 319.55-7]

§ 319.55-3 - Ports of entry.

(a) For importations of rice straw and rice hulls, permits will be issued for entry at New York and Boston and at such other ports as may later be approved by the Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs.

(b) Pending development of adequate treating facilities in Guam, rice straw and rice hulls that are subject to treatment as a condition of entry therein must first be entered and treated in accordance with the requirements of this subpart at a United States port of arrival where such treating facilities are available.

(c) Should a shipment requiring treatment arrive at a port where facilities for such treatment are not maintained, such shipment shall either be promptly shipped under safeguards and by routing prescribed by the inspector to an approved port where facilities for treatment are available, or it shall be refused entry.

[79 FR 19811, Apr. 10, 2014, as amended at 83 FR 11865, Mar. 19, 2018]