Subpart E. Subpart E—Labor-Management Relations
- § 9701.501 - Purpose.
- § 9701.502 - Rule of construction.
- § 9701.503 - Waivers.
- § 9701.504 - Definitions.
- § 9701.505 - Coverage.
- § 9701.506 - Impact on existing agreements.
- § 9701.507 - Employee rights.
- § 9701.508 - Homeland Security Labor Relations Board.
- § 9701.509 - Powers and duties of the HSLRB.
- § 9701.510 - Powers and duties of the Federal Labor Relations Authority.
- § 9701.511 - Management rights.
- § 9701.512 - Conferring on procedures for the exercise of management rights.
- § 9701.513 - Exclusive recognition of labor organizations.
- § 9701.514 - Determination of appropriate units for labor organization representation.
- § 9701.515 - Representation rights and duties.
- § 9701.516 - Allotments to representatives.
- § 9701.517 - Unfair labor practices.
- § 9701.518 - Duty to bargain, confer, and consult.
- § 9701.519 - Negotiation impasses.
- § 9701.520 - Standards of conduct for labor organizations.
- § 9701.521 - Grievance procedures.
- § 9701.522 - Exceptions to arbitration awards.
- § 9701.523 - Official time.
- § 9701.524 - Compilation and publication of data.
- § 9701.525 - Regulations of the HSLRB.
- § 9701.526 - Continuation of existing laws, recognitions, agreements, and procedures.
- § 9701.527 - Savings provision.