View all text of Subpart N [§ 630.1401 - § 630.1406]
§ 630.1402 - Definitions.
In this subpart:
Administrative leave means paid leave authorized at the discretion of an agency under 5 U.S.C. 6329a (and not authorized under any other provision of statute or Presidential directive) to cover periods within an employee's tour of duty established for leave purposes when the employee is not engaged in activities that qualify as official hours of work, which is provided without loss of or reduction in—
(1) Pay;
(2) Leave to which an employee is otherwise entitled under law; or
(3) Credit for time or service.
Agency means an Executive agency as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105, excluding the Government Accountability Office. When the term “agency” is used in the context of an agency making determinations or taking actions, it means the agency head or management officials who are authorized (including by delegation, where applicable) to make the given determination or take the given action.
Employee means an individual who is covered by this subpart, as described in § 630.1401(b) and (c).
Head of the agency means the head of an agency or a designated representative of such agency head who is an agency headquarters-level official reporting directly to the agency head or a deputy agency head and who is the sole such representative for the entire agency.
OPM means the Office of Personnel Management.
Presidential directive means an Executive order, Presidential memorandum, or official written statement by the President in which the President specifically directs agency heads to provide employees with a paid excused absence under a specified set of conditions. This excludes a Presidential action that merely encourages agency heads to use an agency head authority (e.g., section 6329a) to grant a paid excused absence under specified conditions or that leaves the amount of excused absence to be granted in specified conditions subject to agency head discretion.