Subpart B. Subpart B—Elections To Continue Retirement Coverage After a Qualifying Move
- § 847.201 - Purpose and scope.
- § 847.202 - Definition of qualifying move.
- § 847.203 - Elections of CSRS coverage.
- § 847.204 - Elections of FERS coverage.
- § 847.205 - Elections of NAFI retirement system coverage.
- § 847.206 - Time limit for making an election.
- § 847.207 - Effective dates of elections.
- § 847.208 - Changes of election.
- § 847.209 - Collection of CSRS and FERS retirement contributions from NAFI employers.
- § 847.210 - Collection of NAFI retirement contributions from Federal agencies.
- § 847.211 - Death of employee during election opportunity period.