Subpart A. Subpart A—Coverage
- § 842.101 - Purpose and scope.
- § 842.102 - Definitions.
- § 842.103 - General.
- § 842.104 - Statutory exclusions.
- § 842.105 - Regulatory exclusions.
- § 842.106 - Elections of retirement coverage under the District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Act of 1995.
- § 842.107 - Employees covered under the National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act of 1997.
- § 842.108 - Employees covered under the District of Columbia Courts and Justice Technical Corrections Act of 1998.
- § 842.109 - Continuation of coverage for former Federal employees of the Civilian Marksmanship Program.
- § 842.110 - Continuation of coverage for food service employees of the House of Representatives or the Senate Restaurants.