View all text of Subpart B [§ 754.201 - § 754.205]

§ 754.201 - Coverage.

(a) Actions covered. This subpart applies to actions taken under 5 U.S.C. 9204.

(b) Employees covered. This subpart covers an employee of an agency as defined and “employee” has the meaning given the term in 5 CFR 920.101.

(c) Definitions. In this subpart—

Civil penalty means a monetary penalty imposed on an employee of a covered agency when it has been determined the employee has violated the Fair Chance Act.

Day means a calendar day.

Director means the Director of OPM or Director's designee.

Suspension means the placing of an employee of a covered agency in a temporary status without duties and pay when it has been determined the employee violated the Fair Chance Act.