- Table 56 to Part 679—GOA Species and Species Groups for Which Directed Fishing for Sideboard Limits by Non-Exempt AFA Catcher Vessels is Prohibited
Table 56 to Part 679—GOA Species and Species Groups for Which Directed Fishing for Sideboard Limits by Non-Exempt AFA Catcher Vessels is Prohibited
Species or species group | Management or regulatory area and processing
component (if applicable) | Pollock | Southeast Outside District, Eastern GOA. | Pacific cod | Eastern GOA, inshore component. | Eastern GOA, offshore component. | Sablefish | Western GOA. | Central GOA. | Eastern GOA. | Shallow-water flatfish | Western GOA. | Eastern GOA. | Deep-water flatfish | Western GOA. | Central GOA. | Eastern GOA. | Rex sole | Western GOA. | Eastern GOA. | Arrowtooth flounder | Western GOA. | Eastern GOA. | Flathead sole | Western GOA. | Eastern GOA. | Pacific ocean perch | Western GOA. | Central GOA. | Eastern GOA. | Northern rockfish | Western GOA. | Shortraker rockfish | Western GOA. | Central GOA. | Eastern GOA. | Dusky rockfish | Western GOA. | Central GOA. | Eastern GOA. | Rougheye rockfish | Western GOA. | Central GOA. | Eastern GOA. | Demersal shelf rockfish | Southeast Outside District. | Thornyhead rockfish | Western GOA. | Central GOA. | Eastern GOA. | Other rockfish | Central GOA. | Eastern GOA. | Atka mackerel | GOA. | Big skates | Western GOA. | Central GOA. | Eastern GOA. | Longnose skates | Western GOA. | Central GOA. | Eastern GOA. | Other skates | GOA. | Sculpins | GOA. | Sharks | GOA. | Octopuses | GOA. |