Species or species group
| Management area or subarea
| Gear type
| Pacific cod | BSAI | Jig.
| | | Hook-and-line catcher vessel ≥ 60 ft.
| | | Hook-and-line catcher vessel ≤ 60 ft.
| | | Pot.
| Sablefish, trawl gear | Bering Sea subarea of the BSAI | All.
| | AI | All.
| Atka mackerel | BSAI | All.
| Rock sole | BSAI | All.
| Greenland turbot | BS | All.
| | AI | All.
| Arrowtooth flounder | BSAI | All.
| Kamchatka flounder | BSAI | All.
| Alaska plaice | BSAI | All.
| Other flatfish | BSAI | All.
| Flathead sole | BSAI | All.
| Pacific ocean perch | BS | All.
| | Eastern Aleutian District | All.
| | Central Aleutian District | All.
| | Western Aleutian District | All.
| Northern rockfish | BSAI | All.
| Shortraker rockfish | BSAI | All.
| Blackspotted and Rougheye rockfish | Bering Sea subarea of the BSAI/Eastern Aleutian District | All.
| | Central Aleutian District/Western Aleutian District | All.
| Other rockfish | Bering Sea subarea of the BSAI | All.
| | AI | All.
| Skates | BSAI | All.
| Sculpins | BSAI | All.
| Sharks | BSAI | All.
| Octopuses | BSAI | All. |