- Table 15 to Part 679—Gear Codes, Descriptions, and Use

Gear Codes, Descriptions, and Use

(X indicates where this code is used)

Name of gear Use alphabetic code to complete the following: Use numeric code to complete the following: Alpha gear code NMFS logbooks Electronic check-in/ check-out Numeric gear code IERS eLandings ADF&G COAR NMFS AND ADF&G GEAR CODES Gillnet, drift03XX Hook-and-lineHALXX61XX Jig, mechanicalJIGXX26XX Pot (includes longline pot and pot-and-line)POTXX91XX Trawl, nonpelagic/bottomNPTXX07XX Trawl, pelagic/midwaterPspanXX47XX Troll, dinglebarTROLLXX25XX Troll, handTROLLXX05XX Troll, power gurdyTROLLXX15XX All other gear typesOTHXXADF&G GEAR CODES Diving11XX Dredge22XX Dredge, hydro/mechanical23XX Fish ladder/raceway77XX Fish wheel08XX Gillnet, herring34XX Gillnet, set04XX Gillnet, sunken41XX Handpicked12XX Net, dip13XX Net, ring10XX Other/specify99XX Pound21XX Seine, purse01XX Seine, beach02XX Shovel18XX Trap90XX Trawl, beam17XX Trawl, double otter27X Trawl, pair37XX Weir14XX FIXED GEAR Authorized gear for sablefish harvested from any GOA reporting areaAll longline gear (hook-and-line, jig, troll, and handline) and longline pot gear. For purposes of determining initial IFQ allocation, all pot gear used to make a legal landing. Authorized gear for sablefish harvested from any BSAI reporting areaAll hook-and-line gear and all pot gear. Authorized gear for halibut harvested from any IFQ regulatory area in the GOAAll fishing gear composed of lines with hooks attached, including one or more stationary, buoyed, and anchored lines with hooks attached and longline pot gear. Authorized gear for halibut harvested from any IFQ regulatory area in the BSAIAll fishing gear composed of lines with hooks attached, including one or more stationary, buoyed, and anchored lines with hooks attached.
[73 FR 76187, Dec. 15, 2008, as amended at 81 FR 95457, Dec. 28, 2016; 89 FR 34766, Apr. 30, 2024]