- Table 15 to Part 679—Gear Codes, Descriptions, and Use
Gear Codes, Descriptions, and Use
(X indicates where this code is used)
Name of gear | Use alphabetic code to complete the following: | Use numeric code to complete the following: | Alpha gear code | NMFS logbooks | Electronic check-in/ check-out | Numeric gear code | IERS eLandings | ADF&G COAR | NMFS AND ADF&G GEAR CODES | Gillnet, drift | 03 | X | X | Hook-and-line | HAL | X | X | 61 | X | X | Jig, mechanical | JIG | X | X | 26 | X | X | Pot (includes longline pot and pot-and-line) | POT | X | X | 91 | X | X | Trawl, nonpelagic/bottom | NPT | X | X | 07 | X | X | Trawl, pelagic/midwater | Pspan | X | X | 47 | X | X | Troll, dinglebar | TROLL | X | X | 25 | X | X | Troll, hand | TROLL | X | X | 05 | X | X | Troll, power gurdy | TROLL | X | X | 15 | X | X | All other gear types | OTH | X | X | ADF&G GEAR CODES | Diving | 11 | X | X | Dredge | 22 | X | X | Dredge, hydro/mechanical | 23 | X | X | Fish ladder/raceway | 77 | X | X | Fish wheel | 08 | X | X | Gillnet, herring | 34 | X | X | Gillnet, set | 04 | X | X | Gillnet, sunken | 41 | X | X | Handpicked | 12 | X | X | Net, dip | 13 | X | X | Net, ring | 10 | X | X | Other/specify | 99 | X | X | Pound | 21 | X | X | Seine, purse | 01 | X | X | Seine, beach | 02 | X | X | Shovel | 18 | X | X | Trap | 90 | X | X | Trawl, beam | 17 | X | X | Trawl, double otter | 27 | X | Trawl, pair | 37 | X | X | Weir | 14 | X | X | FIXED GEAR | Authorized gear for sablefish harvested from any GOA reporting area | All longline gear (hook-and-line, jig, troll, and handline) and longline pot gear. For purposes of determining initial IFQ allocation, all pot gear used to make a legal landing. | Authorized gear for sablefish harvested from any BSAI reporting area | All hook-and-line gear and all pot gear. | Authorized gear for halibut harvested from any IFQ regulatory area in the GOA | All fishing gear composed of lines with hooks attached, including one or more stationary, buoyed, and anchored lines with hooks attached and longline pot gear. | Authorized gear for halibut harvested from any IFQ regulatory area in the BSAI | All fishing gear composed of lines with hooks attached, including one or more stationary, buoyed, and anchored lines with hooks attached. |