- Table 13 to Part 679—Transfer Form Summary
If participant type is . . . | And has . . . Fish product onboard | And is involved in this activity | VAR 1 | Pspan 2 | Transship 3 | Departure
report 4 | Dockside sales
receipt 5 | Landing
receipt 6 | Catcher vessel greater than 60 ft LOA, mothership, or catcher/processor | Only non-IFQ groundfish | Vessel leaving or entering Alaska | X | Catcher vessel greater than 60 ft LOA, mothership, or catcher/processor | Only IFQ sablefish, IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut, or CR crab | Vessel leaving Alaska | X | Catcher vessel greater than 60 ft LOA, mothership, or catcher/processor | Combination of IFQ sablefish, IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut, or CR crab and non-IFQ groundfish | Vessel leaving Alaska | X | X | Mothership, catcher/processor, shoreside processor, or SFP | Non-IFQ groundfish | Shipment of groundfish product | X | Mothership, catcher/processor, shoreside processor, or SFP | Donated PSC | Shipment of donated PSC | X | Registered Buyer | IFQ sablefish, IFQ halibut, or CDQ halibut | Transfer of product | X | A person holding a valid IFQ permit, IFQ hired master permit, or Registered Buyer permit | IFQ sablefish, IFQ halibut, or CDQ halibut | Transfer of product | XXX | Registered Buyer | IFQ sablefish, IFQ halibut, or CDQ halibut | Transfer from landing site to Registered Buyer's processing facility | XX | Vessel operator | Processed IFQ sablefish, IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut, or CR crab | Transshipment between vessels | XXXX | Registered Crab Receiver | CR crab | Transfer of product | X | Registered Crab Receiver | CR crab | Transfer from landing site to RCR's processing facility | XX |
1 A vessel activity report (VAR) is described at § 679.5(k).
2 A product transfer report (Pspan) is described at § 679.5(g).
3 An IFQ transshipment authorization is described at § 679.5(l)(3).
4 An IFQ departure report is described at § 679.5(l)(4).
5 An IFQ dockside sales receipt is described at § 679.5(g)(2)(iv).
6 A landing receipt is described at § 679.5(e)(8)(vii).
X indicates under what circumstances each report is submitted.
XX indicates that the document must accompany the transfer of IFQ species from landing site to processor.
XXX indicates receipt must be issued to each receiver in a dockside sale.
XXXX indicates authorization must be obtained 24 hours in advance.