- Table 2a to Part 660, Subpart C—2024, Specifications of OFL, ABC, ACL, ACT and Fishery Harvest Guidelines

Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 101530, Dec. 16, 2024.

Table 2a to Part 660, Subpart C—2024, Specifications of OFL, ABC, ACL, ACT and Fishery Harvest Guidelines (Weights in Metric Tons). Capitalized Stocks Are Overfished

Stocks Area OFL ABC ACL aFishery HG bYELLOWEYE ROCKFISH cCoastwide917653.342.6 Arrowtooth Flounder dCoastwide20,45914,17814,17812,083 Big Skate eCoastwide1,4921,2671,2671,207.2 Black Rockfish fCalifornia (S of 42° N lat.)364329329326.6 Black Rockfish gWashington (N of 46°16′ N lat.)319289289270.5 Bocaccio hS of 40°10′ N lat2,0021,8281,8281,779.9 Cabezon iCalifornia (S of 42° N lat.)185171171169.4 California Scorpionfish jS of 34°27′ N lat280252252248 Canary Rockfish kCoastwide1,4341,2961,2961,227.4 Chilipepper lS of 40°10′ N lat2,3462,1212,1212,023.4 Cowcod mS of 40°10′ N lat112797967.8 Cowcod(Conception)9367NANA Cowcod(Monterey)1912NANA Darkblotched Rockfish nCoastwide857782782758.7 Dover Sole oCoastwide55,85951,94950,00048,402.9 English Sole pCoastwide11,1588,9608,9608,700.5 Lingcod qN of 40°10′ N lat4,4553,8543,8543,574.4 Lingcod rS of 40°10′ N lat855740722706.5 Longnose Skate sCoastwide1,9551,6601,6601,408.7 Longspine Thornyhead tN of 34°27′ N lat4,4332,8462,1622,108.3 Longspine Thornyhead uS of 34°27′ N lat683680.8 Pacific Cod vCoastwide3,2001,9261,6001,094 Pacific Ocean Perch wN of 40°10′ N lat4,1333,4433,4433,297.5 Pacific Whiting xCoastwide747,588( x)( x)337,528.05 Petrale Sole yCoastwide3,5633,2853,2852,898.8 Sablefish zN of 36° N lat10,6709,9237,730See Table 2c. Sablefish aaS of 36° N lat2,1932,165.6 Shortspine Thornyhead bbN of 34°27′ N lat3,1622,0301,3281,249.7 Shortspine Thornyhead ccS of 34°27′ N lat702695.3 Spiny Dogfish ddCoastwide1,8831,4071,4071,055.5 Splitnose eeS of 40°10′ N lat1,7661,5531,5531,534.3 Starry Flounder ffCoastwide652392392343.7 Widow Rockfish ggCoastwide12,45311,48211,48211,243.7 Yellowtail Rockfish hhN of 40°10′ N lat5,7955,2915,2914,263.3 Stock Complexes Blue/Deacon/Black Rockfish iiOregon671594594592.2 Cabezon/Kelp Greenling jjWashington22171715 Cabezon/Kelp Greenling kkOregon198180180179.2 Nearshore Rockfish North llN of 40°10′ N lat109919187.7 Nearshore Rockfish South mmS of 40°10′ N lat1,097902891886.5 Other Fish nnCoastwide286223223201.8 Other Flatfish ooCoastwide7,9464,8744,8744,653.2 Shelf Rockfish North ppN of 40°10′ N lat1,6101,2781,2781,207 Shelf Rockfish South qqS of 40°10′ N lat1,8331,4641,4641,331.4 Slope Rockfish North rrN of 40°10′ N lat1,7971,5161,5161,450.6 Slope Rockfish South ssS of 40°10′ N lat868697697658.1

a Annual catch limits (ACLs), annual catch targets (ACTs) and harvest guidelines (HGs) are specified as total catch values.

b Fishery HGs means the HG or quota after subtracting Pacific Coast treaty Indian Tribes allocations and projected catch, projected research catch, deductions for fishing mortality in non-groundfish fisheries, and deductions for EFPs from the ACL or ACT.

c Yelloweye rockfish. The 53.3 mt ACL is based on the current rebuilding plan with a target year to rebuild of 2029 and an SPR harvest rate of 65 percent. 10.7 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (5 mt), EFP fishing (0.12 mt), research catch (2.92 mt), and incidental open access mortality (2.66 mt) resulting in a fishery HG of 42.6 mt. The non-trawl HG is 39.2 mt. The combined non-nearshore/nearshore HG is 8.2 mt. Recreational HGs are: 10 mt (Washington); 9.1 mt (Oregon); and 11.8 mt (California). In addition, the non-trawl ACT is 30.7, and the combined non-nearshore/nearshore ACT is 6.4 mt. Recreational ACTs are: 7.9 mt (Washington), 7.2 (Oregon), and 9.3 mt (California).

d Arrowtooth flounder. 2,094.98 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (2,041 mt), research catch (12.98 mt) and incidental open access mortality (41 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 12,083 mt.

e Big skate. 59.8 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (15 mt), research catch (5.49 mt), and incidental open access mortality (39.31 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 1,207.2 mt.

f Black rockfish (California). 2.26 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate EFP fishing (1.0 mt), research catch (0.08 mt), and incidental open access mortality (1.18 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 326.6 mt.

g Black rockfish (Washington). 18.1 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (18 mt) and research catch (0.1 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 270.5 mt.

h Bocaccio south of 40°10′ N lat. Bocaccio are managed with stock-specific harvest specifications south of 40°10′ N lat. and within the Minor Shelf Rockfish complex north of 40°10′ N lat. 48.12 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate EFP fishing (40 mt), research catch (5.6 mt), and incidental open access mortality (2.52 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 1,779.9 mt. The California recreational fishery south of 40°10′ N lat. has an HG of 749.7 mt.

i Cabezon (California). 1.63 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate EFP fishing (1 mt), research catch (0.02 mt), and incidental open access mortality (0.61 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 169.4 mt.

j California scorpionfish south of 34°27′ N lat. 3.89 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate research catch (0.18 mt) and incidental open access mortality (3.71 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 248 mt.

k Canary rockfish. 68.91 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (50 mt), EFP fishing (6 mt), research catch (10.08 mt), and incidental open access mortality (2.83 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 1,227.4 mt. The combined nearshore/non-nearshore HG is 122.4 mt. Recreational HGs are: 41.8 mt (Washington); 62.9 mt (Oregon); and 112.9 mt (California).

l Chilipepper rockfish south of 40°10′ N lat. Chilipepper are managed with stock-specific harvest specifications south of 40°10′ N lat. and within the Minor Shelf Rockfish complex north of 40°10′ N lat. 97.7 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate EFP fishing (70 mt), research catch (14.04 mt), incidental open access mortality (13.66 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 2,023.4 mt.

m Cowcod south of 40°10′ N lat. Cowcod are managed with stock-specific harvest specifications south of 40°10′ N lat. and within the Minor Shelf Rockfish complex north of 40°10′ N lat. 11.17 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate EFP fishing (1 mt), research catch (10 mt), and incidental open access mortality (0.17 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 67.8 mt.

n Darkblotched rockfish. 23.76 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (5 mt), EFP fishing (0.5 mt), research catch (8.46 mt), and incidental open access mortality (9.8 mt) resulting in a fishery HG of 758.7 mt.

o Dover sole. 1,597.11 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (1,497 mt), research catch (50.84 mt), and incidental open access mortality (49.27 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 48,402.9 mt.

p English sole. 259.52 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (200 mt), research catch (17 mt), and incidental open access mortality (42.52 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 8,700.5 mt.

q Lingcod north of 40°10′ N lat. 279.63 mt is deducted from the ACL for the Tribal fishery (250 mt), research catch (17.71 mt), and incidental open access mortality (11.92 mt) resulting in a fishery HG of 3,574.4 mt.

r Lingcod south of 40°10′ N lat. 15.5 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate EFP fishing (4 mt), research catch (3.19 mt), and incidental open access mortality (8.31 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 706.5 mt.

s Longnose skate. 251.3 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (220 mt), and research catch (12.46 mt), and incidental open access mortality (18.84 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 1,408.7 mt.

t Longspine thornyhead north of 34°27′ N lat. 53.71 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (30 mt), research catch (17.49 mt), and incidental open access mortality (6.22 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 2,108.3 mt.

u Longspine thornyhead south of 34°27′ N lat. 2.24 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate research catch (1.41 mt) and incidental open access mortality (0.83 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 680.8 mt.

v Pacific cod. 506 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (500 mt), research catch (5.47 mt), and incidental open access mortality (0.53 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 1,094 mt.

w Pacific ocean perch north of 40°10′ N lat. Pacific ocean perch are managed with stock-specific harvest specifications north of 40°10′ N lat. and within the Minor Slope Rockfish complex south of 40°10′ N lat. 145.48 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (130 mt), EFP fishing, research catch (5.39 mt), and incidental open access mortality (10.09 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 3,297.5 mt.

x Pacific hake/whiting. The 2024 OFL of 747,588 mt is based on the 2024 assessment with an F-40 percent of FMSY proxy. The 2024 coastwide adjusted Total Allowable Catch (TAC) is 555,000 mt. The U.S. TAC is 73.88 percent of the coastwide TAC. The 2024 adjusted U.S. TAC is 410,034 mt. From the U.S. TAC, 71,755.95 mt is deducted to accommodate the Tribal fishery, and 750 mt is deducted to accommodate research and bycatch in other fisheries, resulting in a 2024 fishery HG of 337,528.05 mt. The TAC for Pacific whiting is established under the provisions of the Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada on Pacific Hake/Whiting of 2003 and the Pacific Whiting Act of 2006, 16 U.S.C. 7001-7010, and the international exception applies. Therefore, no ABC or ACL values are provided for Pacific whiting.

y Petrale sole. 386.24 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (350 mt), EFP fishing (1 mt), research catch (24.14 mt), and incidental open access mortality (11.1 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 2,898.8 mt.

z Sablefish north of 36° N lat. The sablefish coastwide ACL value is not specified in regulations. The sablefish coastwide ACL value is apportioned north and south of 36° N lat., using the rolling 5-year average estimated swept area biomass from the NMFS NWFSC trawl survey, with 77.9 percent apportioned north of 36° N lat. and 22.1 percent apportioned south of 36° N lat. The northern ACL is 7,730 mt and is reduced by 773 mt for the Tribal allocation (10 percent of the ACL north of 36° N lat.). The 773 mt Tribal allocation is reduced by 1.7 percent to account for discard mortality. Detailed sablefish allocations are shown in table 1c.

aa Sablefish south of 36° N lat. The ACL for the area south of 36° N lat. is 2,193 mt (22.1 percent of the calculated coastwide ACL value). 27.4 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate research catch (2.40 mt) and the incidental open access fishery (25 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 2,165.6 mt.

bb Shortspine thornyhead north of 34°27′ N lat. 78.3 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (50 mt), research catch (10.48 mt), and incidental open access mortality (17.82 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 1,249.7 mt for the area north of 34°27′ N lat.

cc Shortspine thornyhead south of 34°27′ N lat. 6.71 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate research catch (0.71 mt) and incidental open access mortality (6 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 695.3 mt for the area south of 34°27′ N lat.

dd Spiny dogfish. 351.48 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (275 mt), EFP fishing (1 mt), research catch (41.85 mt), and incidental open access mortality (33.63 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 1,055.5 mt.

ee Splitnose rockfish south of 40°10′ N lat. Splitnose rockfish in the north is managed in the Slope Rockfish complex and with stock-specific harvest specifications south of 40°10′ N lat. 18.42 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate EFP fishing (1.5 mt), research catch (11.17 mt), and incidental open access mortality (5.75 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 1,534.3 mt.

ff Starry flounder. 48.28 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (2 mt), research catch (0.57 mt), and incidental open access mortality (45.71 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 343.7 mt.

gg Widow rockfish. 238.32 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (200 mt), EFP fishing (18 mt), research catch (17.27 mt), and incidental open access mortality (3.05 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 11,243.7 mt.

hh Yellowtail rockfish north of 40°10′ N lat. Yellowtail rockfish are managed with stock-specific harvest specifications north of 40°10′ N lat. and within the Minor Shelf Rockfish complex south of 40°10′ N lat. 1,027.55 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (1,000 mt), research catch (20.55 mt), and incidental open access mortality (7 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 4,263.3 mt.

ii Black rockfish/Blue rockfish/Deacon rockfish (Oregon). 1.82 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate research catch (0.08 mt), and incidental open access mortality (1.74 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 592.2 mt.

jj Cabezon/kelp greenling (Washington). 2 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery, resulting in a fishery HG is 15 mt.

kk Cabezon/kelp greenling (Oregon). 0.79 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate research catch (0.05 mt) and incidental open access mortality (0.74 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 179.2 mt.

ll Nearshore Rockfish north of 40°10′ N lat. 3.27 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (1.5 mt), research catch (0.47 mt), and incidental open access mortality (1.31 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 87.7 mt. State-specific HGs are 17.2 mt (Washington), 30.9 mt (Oregon), and 39.9 mt (California). The ACT for copper rockfish (California) is 6.99 mt. The ACT for quillback rockfish (California) is 0.96 mt.

mm Nearshore Rockfish south of 40°10′ N lat. 4.54 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate research catch (2.68 mt) and incidental open access mortality (1.86 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 886.5 mt. The ACT for copper rockfish is 87.73 mt. The ACT for quillback rockfish is 0.97 mt.

nn Other Fish. The Other Fish complex is comprised of kelp greenling off California and leopard shark coastwide. 21.24 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate research catch (6.29 mt) and incidental open access mortality (14.95 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 201.8 mt.

oo Other Flatfish. The Other Flatfish complex is comprised of flatfish species managed in the PCGFMP that are not managed with stock-specific OFLs/ABCs/ACLs. Most of the species in the Other Flatfish complex are unassessed and include: butter sole, curlfin sole, flathead sole, Pacific sanddab, rock sole, sand sole, and rex sole. 220.79 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (60 mt), research catch (23.63 mt), and incidental open access mortality (137.16 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 4,653.2 mt.

pp Shelf Rockfish north of 40°10′ N lat. 70.94 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (30 mt), research catch (15.32 mt), and incidental open access mortality (25.62 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 1,207.1 mt.

qq Shelf Rockfish south of 40°10′ N lat. 132.77 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate EFP fishing (50 mt), research catch (15.1 mt), and incidental open access mortality (67.67 mt) resulting in a fishery HG of 1,331.4 mt.

rr Slope Rockfish north of 40°10′ N lat. 65.39 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate the Tribal fishery (36 mt), research catch (10.51 mt), and incidental open access mortality (18.88 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 1,450.6 mt.

ss Slope Rockfish south of 40°10′ N lat. 38.94 mt is deducted from the ACL to accommodate EFP fishing (1 mt), research catch (18.21 mt), and incidental open access mortality (19.73 mt), resulting in a fishery HG of 658.1 mt. Blackgill rockfish has a stock-specific HG for the entire groundfish fishery south of 40°10′ N lat. set equal to the species' contribution to the 40-10-adjusted ACL. Harvest of blackgill rockfish in all groundfish fisheries south of 40°10′ N lat. counts against this HG of 169.9 mt.

[89 FR 52403, June 24, 2024]