- Table 1b to Part 660, Subpart C—2023, Allocations by Species or Species Group
Table 1b to Part 660, Subpart C—2023, and Beyond, Allocations by Species or Species Group
[Weight in metric tons]
Stocks/stock complexes | Area | Fishery HG or ACT a b | Trawl | Non-trawl | % | Mt | % | Mt | YELLOWEYE ROCKFISH a | Coastwide | 55.3 | 8 | 4.4 | 92 | 50.9 | Arrowtooth flounder | Coastwide | 16,537 | 95 | 15,710.2 | 5 | 826.9 | Big skate a | Coastwide | 1,260.2 | 95 | 1,197.2 | 5 | 63 | Bocaccio a | S of 40°10′ N lat | 1,793.9 | 39 | 700.3 | 61 | 1,093.5 | Canary rockfish a | Coastwide | 1,215.1 | 72.3 | 878.5 | 27.7 | 336.6 | Chilipepper rockfish | S of 40°10′ N lat | 2,085 | 75 | 1,563.8 | 25 | 521.3 | Cowcod a | S of 40°10′ N lat | 68.8 | 36 | 24.8 | 64 | 44.1 | Darkblotched rockfish | Coastwide | 761.2 | 95 | 723.2 | 5 | 38.1 | Dover sole | Coastwide | 48,402.8 | 95 | 45,982.7 | 5 | 2,420.1 | English sole | Coastwide | 8,758.5 | 95 | 8,320.6 | 5 | 437.9 | Lingcod | N of 40′10° N lat | 4,098.4 | 45 | 1,844.3 | 55 | 2,254.1 | Lingcod a | S of 40′10° N lat | 710.5 | 40 | 284.2 | 60 | 426.3 | Longnose skate a | Coastwide | 1,456.7 | 90 | 1,311 | 10 | 145.7 | Longspine thornyhead | N of 34°27′ N lat | 2,241.3 | 95 | 2,129.2 | 5 | 112.1 | Pacific cod | Coastwide | 1,094 | 95 | 1,039.3 | 5 | 54.7 | Pacific ocean perch | N of 40°10′ N lat | 3,427.5 | 95 | 3,256.1 | 5 | 171.4 | Pacific whiting c | Coastwide | 380,194 | 100 | 380,194 | 0 | 0 | Petrale sole a | Coastwide | 3,098.8 | 3,068.8 | 30 | Sablefish | N of 36° N lat | NA | See Table 1c | Sablefish | S of 36° N lat | 2,310.6 | 42 | 970.5 | 58 | 1,340.1 | Shortspine thornyhead | N of 34°27′ N lat | 1,280.7 | 95 | 1,216.7 | 5 | 64 | Shortspine thornyhead | S of 34°27′ N lat | 712.3 | 50 | 662.3 | Splitnose rockfish | S of 40°10′ N lat | 1,572.4 | 95 | 1,494.7 | 5 | 78.7 | Starry flounder | Coastwide | 343.7 | 50 | 171.9 | 50 | 171.9 | Widow rockfish a | Coastwide | 12,385.7 | 11,985.7 | 400 | Yellowtail rockfish | N of 40°10′ N lat | 4,638.5 | 88 | 4,081.8 | 12 | 556.6 | Other Flatfish | Coastwide | 4,641.2 | 90 | 4,177.1 | 10 | 464.1 | Shelf Rockfish a | N of 40°10′ N lat | 1,212.1 | 60.2 | 729.7 | 39.8 | 482.4 | Shelf Rockfish a | S of 40°10′ N lat | 1,336.2 | 12.2 | 163 | 87.8 | 1,173.2 | Slope Rockfish | N of 40°10′ N lat | 1,474.6 | 81 | 1,194.4 | 19 | 280.2 | Slope Rockfish a | S of 40°10′ N lat | 662.1 | 63 | 417.1 | 37 | 245 |
a Allocations decided through the biennial specification process.
b The cowcod non-trawl allocation is further split 50:50 between the commercial and recreational sectors. This results in a sector-specific ACT of 22 mt for the commercial sector and 22 mt for the recreational sector.
c Consistent with regulations at § 660.55(i)(2), the commercial harvest guideline for Pacific whiting is allocated as follows: 34 percent for the C/P Co-op Program; 24 percent for the MS Co-op Program; and 42 percent for the Shorebased IFQ Program. No more than 5 percent of the Shorebased IFQ Program allocation may be taken and retained south of 42° N lat. Before the start of the primary Pacific whiting season north of 42° N lat.