View all text of Subpart B [§ 29.10 - § 29.27]

§ 29.16 - Right-of-way permit application.

(a) Complete application requirement. The Service will not begin processing a right-of-way permit application until after the applicant has submitted a complete application with all required information. See paragraph (e) of this section for submission instructions.

(b) Application form. To request a new right-of-way permit, modifications to an existing right-of-way permit, or renewal of an existing right-of-way permit, applicants must submit a complete Standard Form 299, Application for Transportation, Utility Systems, Telecommunications and Facilities on Federal Lands and Property (SF-299), or the applicable common form approved by the General Services Administration at the time of the application, including all materials required in the SF-299 and the regulations in this subpart. The SF-299 must be signed by the applicant or applicant's authorized representative.

(c) Required application attachments. In addition to a completed and signed SF-299, an application for a right-of-way permit must include the attachments described in this section.

(1) Map(s). The map(s) must show a general view of the proposed right-of-way and a detailed view of the proposed project area in relation to the Service unit boundary. If the proposed right-of-way is within a Public Land Survey System area, the map(s) must show the section(s), township(s), and range(s) within which the proposed right-of-way would be located. The maps must identify:

(i) The area proposed to be included in the right-of-way permit, including the placement of proposed infrastructure; and

(ii) Proposed access points and routes (including uses of existing roads), and other areas associated with the requested right-of-way.

(2) Preliminary site and facility construction plans. These plans, which are listed as an attachment to SF-299, are required for applications for rights-of-way or renewals of rights-of-way where construction is required. The plans must show all proposed construction work and include a list of equipment to be used in construction and a proposed construction timeline.

(3) Proposed access. The application must include a description of proposed access routes and means of access for construction and maintenance of the requested right-of-way.

(4) Supplemental environmental information. In addition to the basic environmental information on the SF-299, the applicant must provide supplemental information on the environmental impact of the proposed right-of-way that is suitable for the Service to determine whether the proposed use is compatible with the mission of the Refuge System and the purpose(s) of the refuge. This supplemental information may include, but is not limited to, anticipated impacts of the proposed use on air and water quality; scenic and aesthetic features; historic, architectural, archeological, and cultural features; and wildlife, fish, and marine life, including habitat connectivity and migratory routes. The supplemental information also may describe proposed design measures that will minimize or avoid resource impacts. The Service will review the provided supplemental environmental information to determine what additional information, if any, the agency requires from the applicant to determine whether the proposed use is compatible with the mission of the Refuge System and the purpose(s) of the refuge.

(d) Other required documents. During the preapplication meeting or in a subsequent communication, the Service will inform the applicant when the agency requires the following information and other information to prepare a right-of-way permit, which the applicant must provide before the Service may issue a right-of-way permit.

(1) Survey plat and legal description. See § 29.17 for requirements.

(2) Detailed environmental analysis. To comply with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement must be prepared in accordance with section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act and comply with the requirements of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 (16 U.S.C. 703-712), the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), the Wilderness Act of 1964 (16 U.S.C 1131 et seq.), the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C. 1271 et seq.), and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (54 U.S.C. 300101 et seq.). The environmental assessment or environmental impact statement may be prepared by the Service, another Federal agency, the applicant, or the applicant's contractor; however, in all cases, this documentation must be prepared in consultation with the Regional Director.

(i) If the environmental assessment or environmental impact statement will be prepared by the Service or another Federal agency, rather than the applicant or the applicant's contractor, the applicant must provide sufficient data to enable the Service or the other agency to satisfy the requirements in this paragraph (d)(2) and reimburse the Service for its costs as described in § 29.18.

(ii) For renewals of existing rights-of-way permitted that involve no changes to the permitted use, the environmental analysis need address only the impacts, including the cumulative effects, of the ongoing operation and maintenance of the right-of-way. The environmental analysis must also address any statutory requirements not in place when the original permit was issued and therefore not previously considered.

(3) Proposed vegetation management plan. A proposed vegetation management plan is required for a requested right-of-way permit or permit renewal where there will be disturbance of vegetation resulting from the construction, operation, or maintenance of the right-of-way. The plan must be prepared in consultation with the Regional Director's designee and must describe:

(i) Vegetation clearing that may occur as part of structural construction, maintenance, and removal.

(ii) Routine vegetation management that may occur, including a description of all physical and mechanical methods that will be used, how equipment will be cleaned before and after entry to the right-of-way, and how the spread of nonnative species by equipment and activities will be minimized.

(iii) Any pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals proposed for use, as well as the actions the applicant will take to minimize the adverse impacts of pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals on native species including pollinators present in or adjacent to the right-of-way.

(iv) Any revegetation and restoration activities, including how the applicant will incorporate regionally appropriate native seeds and plants, particularly those that provide breeding, feeding, and sheltering habitat for native species present in the area, including but not limited to native pollinators.

(4) Financial assurance and liability insurance. As appropriate to the proposed right-of-way, the Service may require proof of acceptable financial assurance and liability insurance.

(e) Submission instructions. Applicants may submit applications for rights-of-way through electronic filing or certified mail.

(1) Electronic filing. Applications submitted through electronic filing (E-file) must include a digital copy of the SF-299, the map(s), the preliminary site and facility construction plans, and the supplemental environmental information, as well as any other attachments that the Regional Director requires for application processing. The Service may provide additional instructions at the preapplication meeting.

(2) Certified mail. Application submissions through certified mail must include one printed copy of the SF-299, the map(s), the preliminary site and facility construction plans, and the supplemental environmental information, as well as any other attachments that the Regional Director requires for application processing. Applicants must send all documents by certified mail to the Regional Director for the region where the proposed right-of-way is located. Addresses for the Service Regional Offices are provided at 50 CFR 2.2. Mailing envelopes should be clearly marked “Attn: NWRS Realty Right-of-Way Permit Processing.”