Subpart B. Subpart B—Regulatory Authorizations for Migratory Birds
- § 21.12 - General exceptions to permit requirements.
- § 21.14 - Authorization—birds in buildings.
- § 21.16 - Authorization—salvage.
- § 21.18 - Authorization—exhibition use of specimens.
- § 21.22 - Authorization—licensed veterinarians.
- § 21.32 - Authorization—mortality events.
- § 21.34 - Authorization—natural resource agency employees.
- § 21.40 - Authorization—law enforcement personnel.
- § 21.42 - Authorization of take incidental to military readiness activities.
- § 21.45 - Permit exceptions for captive-reared mallard ducks.
- § 21.47 - [Reserved]
- § 21.48 - Permit exceptions for captive-bred migratory waterfowl other than mallard ducks.