Subpart K. Subpart K—Annual Seasons, Limits, and Shooting Hours Schedules
- § 20.100 - General provisions.
- § 20.101 - Seasons, limits and shooting hours for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
- § 20.102 - Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for Alaska.
- § 20.103 - Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for mourning and white-winged doves and wild pigeons.
- § 20.104 - Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for rails, woodcock, and common (Wilson's) snipe.
- § 20.105 - Seasons, limits and shooting hours for waterfowl, coots, and gallinules.
- § 20.106 - Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for sandhill cranes.
- § 20.107 - Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for tundra swans.
- § 20.108 - Nontoxic shot zones.
- § 20.109 - Extended seasons, limits, and hours for taking migratory game birds by falconry.
- § 20.110 - Regulations for certain Federal Indian reservations and ceded lands.