Appendix B - Appendix B to Part 1584—Security-Sensitive Job Functions for Over-the-Road Buses
This table identifies security-sensitive job functions for owner/operators regulated under this part. All employees performing security-sensitive functions are “security-sensitive employees” for purposes of this rule and must be trained.
Categories | Security-sensitive job functions for over-the-road buses | A. Operating a vehicle | Employees who have a CDL and operate an OTRB. | B. Inspecting and maintaining vehicles | Employees who— | 1. Perform activities related to the diagnosis, inspection, maintenance, adjustment, repair, or overhaul of electrical or mechanical equipment relating to vehicles, including functions performed by mechanics and automotive technicians. | 2. Does not include cleaning or janitorial activities. | C. Inspecting or maintaining building or transportation infrastructure | Employees who—
1. Provide cleaning services to areas of facilities owned, operated, or controlled by an owner/operator regulated under this subchapter that are accessible to the general public or passengers. | 2. Provide cleaning services to vehicles owned, operated, or controlled by an owner/operator regulated under this part (does not include vehicle maintenance). | 3. Provide general building maintenance services to buildings owned, operated, or controlled by an owner/operator regulated under this part. | D. Controlling dispatch or movement of a vehicle | Employees who—
1. Dispatch, report, transport, receive or deliver orders pertaining to specific vehicles, coordination of transportation schedules, tracking of vehicles and equipment. | 2. Manage day-to-day delivery of transportation services and the prevention of, response to, and redress of disruptions to these services. | 3. Perform tasks requiring access to or knowledge of specific route information. | E. Providing security of the owner/operator's equipment and property | Employees who patrol and inspect property of an owner/operator regulated under this part to protect the property, personnel, passengers and/or cargo. | F. Loading or unloading cargo or baggage | Employees who load, or oversee loading of, property tendered by or on behalf of a passenger on or off of a portion of a bus that will be inaccessible to the passenger while the vehicle is in operation. | G. Interacting with travelling public (on board a vehicle or within a transportation facility) | Employees who—
1. Provide services to passengers on-board a bus, including collecting tickets or cash for fares, providing information, and other similar services. | 2. Includes food or beverage employees, tour guides, and functions on behalf of an owner/operator regulated under this part that require regular interaction with travelling public within a transportation facility, such as ticket agents. | H. Complying with security programs or measures, including those required by Federal law | 1. Employees who serve as security coordinators designated in § 1570.201 of this subchapter, as well as any designated alternates or secondary security coordinators. | 2. Employees who— | a. Conduct training and testing of employees when the training or testing is required by TSA's security regulations. | b. Manage or direct implementation of security plan requirements. |