Subpart D. Subpart D—State Damage Prevention Enforcement Programs
- § 198.51 - What is the purpose and scope of this subpart?
- § 198.53 - When and how will PHMSA evaluate State damage prevention enforcement programs?
- § 198.55 - What criteria will PHMSA use in evaluating the effectiveness of State damage prevention enforcement programs?
- § 198.57 - What is the process PHMSA will use to notify a State that its damage prevention enforcement program appears to be inadequate?
- § 198.59 - How may a State respond to a notice of inadequacy?
- § 198.61 - How is a State notified of PHMSA's final decision?
- § 198.63 - How may a State with an inadequate damage prevention enforcement program seek reconsideration by PHMSA?