Subpart J. Subpart J—Pole Attachment Complaint Procedures
- § 1.1401 - Purpose.
- § 1.1402 -
- § 1.1403 - Duty to provide access; modifications; notice of removal, increase or modification; petition for temporary stay; and cable operator notice.
- § 1.1404 - Pole attachment complaint proceedings.
- § 1.1405 - Dismissal of pole attachment complaints for lack of jurisdiction.
- § 1.1406 - Commission consideration of the complaint.
- § 1.1407 - Remedies.
- § 1.1408 - Imputation of rates; modification costs.
- § 1.1409 - Allocation of Unusable Space Costs.
- § 1.1410 - Use of presumptions in calculating the space factor.
- § 1.1411 - Timeline for access to utility poles.
- § 1.1412 - Contractors for survey and make-ready.
- § 1.1413 - Complaints by incumbent local exchange carriers.
- § 1.1414 - Review period for pole attachment complaints.
- § 1.1415 - Dispute resolution procedures for pole attachment disputes that impede or delay broadband deployment; functions of the Rapid Broadband Assessment Team.
- § 1.1416 - Overlashing.