- SUBPART A [§ 95.100 - § 95.499] - Subpart A—General Rules for the Personal Radio Services
- SUBPART B [§ 95.501 - § 95.699] - Subpart B—Family Radio Service (FRS)
- SUBPART C [§ 95.701 - § 95.899] - Subpart C—Radio Control Radio Service
- SUBPART D [§ 95.901 - § 95.1699] - Subpart D—CB Radio Service
- SUBPART E [§ 95.1701 - § 95.1899] - Subpart E—General Mobile Radio Service
- SUBPART F [§ 95.1901 - § 95.1999] - Subpart F—218-219 MHz Service
- SUBPART G [§ 95.2101 - § 95.2999] - Subpart G—Low Power Radio Service
- SUBPART H [§ 95.2301 - § 95.2499] - Subpart H—Wireless Medical Telemetry Service
- SUBPART I [§ 95.2501 - § 95.2699] - Subpart I—Medical Device Radio Communications Service
- SUBPART J [§ 95.2701 - § 95.2899] - Subpart J—Multi-Use Radio Service
- SUBPART K [§ 95.2901 - § 95.3099] - Subpart K—Personal Locator Beacons and Maritime Survivor Locating Devices
- SUBPART L [§ 95.3101 - § 95.3205] - Subpart L—Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) On-Board Units (OBUs) in the 5895-5925 MHz Band
- SUBPART M [§ 95.3301 - § 95.3385] - Subpart M—The 76-81 GHz Band Radar Service