View all text of Subjgrp 122 [§ 90.635 - § 90.656]

§ 90.651 - Supplemental reports required of licensees authorized under this subpart.

Licensees of conventional systems must notify the Commission in accordance with § 1.946 of this chapter of the number of mobile units placed in operation within their construction period.

[63 FR 68970, Dec. 14, 1998] Editorial Note:At 63 FR 10397, Mar. 4, 1999, § 90.651 was amended by revising paragraph (c), effective Apr. 5, 1999. However, § 90.651, as revised at 63 FR 68970, Dec. 14, 1998, effective Feb. 12, 1999, did not contain paragraph (c), and the amendment could not be incorporated.