View all text of Subjgrp 120 [§ 90.603 - § 90.609]
§ 90.609 - Special limitations on amendment of applications for assignment or transfer of authorizations for radio systems above 800 MHz.
(a) [Reserved]
(b) A license to operate a conventional or trunked radio system may not be assigned or transferred prior to the completion of construction of the facility. However, the Commission may give its consent to the assignment or transfer of control of such a license prior to the completion of construction where:
(1) The assignment or transfer does not involve a substantial change in ownership or control of the authorized radio facilities; or,
(2) The assignment or transfer is involuntary due to the licensee's insolvency, bankruptcy, incapacity, or death.
(c) Licensees of constructed systems in any category are permitted to make partial assignments of an authorized grant to an applicant proposing to create a new system or to an existing licensee that has loaded its system to 70 mobiles per channel and is expanding that system. An applicant authorized to expand an existing system or to create a new system with frequencies from any category obtained through partial assignment will receive the assignor's existing license expiration date and loading deadline for the frequencies that are assigned. A licensee that makes a partial assignment of a station's frequencies will not be authorized to obtain additional frequencies for that station for a period of one year from the date of the partial assignment.
(d) A constructed system originally licensed in the General Category that is authorized to operate in the conventional mode may be combined with an existing SMR system above 800 MHz authorized to operate in the trunked mode by assignment of an authorized grant of the General Category station to the SMR station.