View all text of Subjgrp 120 [§ 90.603 - § 90.609]
§ 90.603 - Eligibility.
Except as specified in § 90.616, the following persons are eligible for licensing in the 806-824 MHz, 851-869 MHz, 896-901 MHz, and 935-940 MHz bands.
(a) Any person eligible for licensing under subparts B, C, D, or E of this part.
(b) Any person proposing to provide communications service to any person eligible for licensing under subparts B or C of this part on a not-for-profit, cost-shared basis.
(c) Any person eligible under this part and proposing to provide on a commercial basis base station an ancillary facilities as a Specialized Mobile Radio Service System operator, for the use of individuals, federal government agencies and persons eligible for licensing under subparts B or C of this part.