View all text of Subjgrp 115 [§ 90.351 - § 90.365]

§ 90.357 - Frequencies for LMS systems in the 902-928 MHz band.

(a) Multilateration LMS systems will be authorized on the following LMS sub-bands:

LMS sub-band Forward link 1904.000-909.750 MHz927.750-928.000 MHz. 919.750-921.750 MHz. 2927.500-927.750 MHz. 921.750-927.250 MHz927.250-927.500 MHz.

1 Forward links for LMS systems may also be contained within the LMS sub-band. However, the maximum allowable power in these sub-bands is 30 Watts ERP in accordance with § 90.205(l).

2 The frequency band 919.750-921.750 MHz is shared co-equally between multilateration and non-multilateration LMS systems.

(b) Non-multilateriation LMS systems will be authorized in the following frequency bands:

LMS Sub-band 1902.000-904.000 MHz 909.750-921.750 MHz

1 Applicants for non-multilateration LMS systems should request only the minimum amount of bandwidth necessary to meet their operational needs.

[72 FR 35198, June 27, 2007, as amended at 75 FR 19284, Apr. 14, 2010]