View all text of Subjgrp 115 [§ 90.351 - § 90.365]
§ 90.355 - LMS operations below 512 MHz.
Applications requiring not more than 25 kHz bandwidth per frequency in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, and 450-512 MHz bands may use either base-mobile frequencies currently assigned the applicant, or be assigned base-mobile frequencies available in the service in which eligibility has been established, provided that:
(a) For transmission between vehicles and base stations, each frequency in a single-frequency mode of operation will provide location data for approximately 200 vehicles, or both frequencies in a two-frequency mode of operation will provide location data for approximately 400 vehicles, except that for frequencies in the 450-512 MHz band that are assigned in pairs in accordance with the allocation plan for the band, the requirement is that location data be provided for approximately 200 vehicles for each frequency pair; and a showing is made that 50 percent of the vehicles will be in operation within the system by the end of the second year of the initial license term, and 70 percent will be in operation within the system by the end of the initial license term; except that if these vehicle loading standards will not be met, frequencies will be assigned only on a secondary non-interference basis to any authorized radiotelephony operation.
(b) The minimum separation between a proposed LMS station and the nearest co-channel base station of another licensee operating a voice system is 75 miles (120 km) for a single frequency mode of operation or 35 miles (56 km) for a two-frequency mode of operation. Where the minimum mileage separation cannot be achieved, agreement to the use of F1D, F2D, G1D, G2D or P0N emission must be received from all existing co-channel licensees using voice emissions within the applicable mileage limits. If there is interference with voice operations and required agreement was not received, or operation was authorized on a secondary non-interference basis, the licensee of the LMS system is responsible for eliminating the interference.
(c) Frequencies additional to any assigned under paragraph (a) of this section will not be assigned to the same licensee at any stations located within 64 km (40 miles) of any station in which the licensee holds an interest until each of such licensee's frequencies for LMS operation is shown to accommodate not less than 90 percent of the frequency loading requirements specified in paragraph (a) of this section.