- SUBPART A [§ 67.1 - § 67.14] - Subpart A—General
- SUBPART B [§ 67.15 - § 67.23] - Subpart B—Forms of Documentation; Endorsements; Eligibility of Vessel
- SUBPART C [§ 67.30 - § 67.47] - Subpart C—Citizenship Requirements for Vessel Documentation
- SUBPART D [§ 67.50 - § 67.63] - Subpart D—Title Requirements for Vessel Documentation
- SUBPART E [§ 67.70 - § 67.91] - Subpart E—Acceptable Title Evidence; Waiver
- SUBPART F [§ 67.95 - § 67.101] - Subpart F—Build Requirements for Vessel Documentation
- SUBPART G [§ 67.105 - § 67.107] - Subpart G—Tonnage and Dimension Requirements for Vessel Documentation
- SUBPART H [§ 67.111 - § 67.119] - Subpart H—Assignments and Designations Required for Vessel Documentation
- SUBPART I [§ 67.120 - § 67.125] -
- SUBPART J [§ 67.130 - § 67.134] - Subpart J—Application for Special Qualifications for Vessel Documentation
- SUBPART K [§ 67.141 - § 67.151] - Subpart K—Application for Documentation, Exchange or Replacement of Certificate of Documentation, or Return to Documentation; Mortgagee Consent; Validation
- SUBPART L [§ 67.161 - § 67.173] - Subpart L—Validity of Certificates of Documentation; Renewal of Endorsement; Requirement for Exchange, Replacement, Deletion, Cancellation
- SUBPART M [§ 67.175 - § 67.177] - Subpart M—Miscellaneous Applications
- SUBPART N - Subpart N [Reserved]
- SUBPART O [§ 67.200 - § 67.218] - Subpart O—Filing and Recording of Instruments—General Provisions
- SUBPART P [§ 67.220 - § 67.223] - Subpart P—Filing and Recording of Instruments—Bills of Sale and Related Instruments
- SUBPART Q [§ 67.231 - § 67.245] - Subpart Q—Filing and Recording of Instruments—Mortgages, Preferred Mortgages, and Related Instruments
- SUBPART R [§ 67.250 - § 67.259] - Subpart R—Filing and Recording of Instruments—Notices of Claim of Lien and Supplemental Instruments
- SUBPART S [§ 67.261 - § 67.265] - Subpart S—Removal of Encumbrances
- SUBPART T [§ 67.301 - § 67.303] - Subpart T—Abstracts of Title and Certificates of Ownership
- SUBPART U [§ 67.311 - § 67.331] - Subpart U—Special Provisions
- SUBPART V [§ 67.350 - § 67.352] - Subpart V—Exception From Fishery Endorsement Requirements Due to Conflict With International Agreements
- SUBPART W - Subparts W-X [Reserved]
- SUBPART Y [§ 67.500 - § 67.550] - Subpart Y—Fees