View all text of Subpart G [§ 2556.600 - § 2556.625]

§ 2556.600 - How is a position for a leader established in a project, or in multiple projects within a contiguous geographic region?

(a) At its discretion, AmeriCorps may approve the establishment of a leader position based on the following factors:

(1) The need for a leader in a project of a substantial size and with multiple VISTAs assigned to serve at that project, or the need for leader for multiple projects located within a contiguous geographic region.

(2) The need for a leader to assist with the communication of VISTA policies and administrative procedures to VISTAs within a project, or throughout the multiple projects within a contiguous geographic region, as applicable.

(3) The need for a leader to assist with the professional development of VISTAs within a project, or throughout the multiple projects within a contiguous geographic region, as applicable.

(4) The need for a leader to assist with the recruitment and preparation for the arrival of VISTAs within a project, or throughout the multiple projects within a contiguous geographic region, as applicable.

(5) The capacity of the VISTA supervisor to support and guide the leader.

(b) A sponsor may request, in its project application, that AmeriCorps establish a leader position in its project.