Subpart B. Subpart B—Requirements Directly Affecting the Selection and Treatment of Participants
- § 2540.200 - Which entities are required to comply with the National Service Criminal History Check requirements in this subpart?
- § 2540.201 - Which individuals require a National Service Criminal History Check?
- § 2540.202 - What eligibility criteria apply to an individual for whom a National Service Criminal History Check is required?
- § 2540.203 - May a grant recipient or subrecipient or service site establish and apply suitability criteria for individuals to work or serve in a position specified in this subpart?
- § 2540.204 -
- § 2540.205 - By when must the National Service Criminal History Check be completed?
- § 2540.206 - What procedural steps are required, in addition to conducting the National Service Criminal History Check described in this subpart?
- § 2540.207 - Waiver.
- § 2540.208 - Under what circumstances may participants be engaged?
- § 2540.210 - What provisions exist to ensure that Corporation-supported programs do not discriminate in the selection of participants and staff?
- § 2540.215 - What should a program participant, staff members, or beneficiary do if the individual believes he or she has been subject to illegal discrimination?
- § 2540.220 - Under what circumstances and subject to what conditions are participants in Corporation-assisted programs eligible for family and medical leave?
- § 2540.230 - What grievance procedures must recipients of Corporation assistance establish?