View all text of Part 412 [§ 412.001 - § 412.103]
§ 412.103 - Obligations of care provider facilities.
(a) General requirements. During any investigation by ORR, a care provider facility must:
(1) Permit ORR unrestricted access to the premises, any physical property on the premises, buildings, staff, and children in the physical custody of the care provider facility;
(2) Permit ORR to conduct interviews with children residing at the care provider facility, and without care provider facility staff, contractors, or sub-grantees of the care provider facility, or care provider facility volunteers present;
(3) Permit ORR to observe the activities of care provider facility staff, contractors, or sub-grantees of the care provider facility, care provider facility volunteers, or other individuals who have access to children in ORR care through contracts or grants with ORR;
(4) Promptly preserve any potential video or documentary evidence;
(5) Promptly provide access to and, upon request, copies of all files, records, reports, data, video recordings, and other information to ORR, either prior to or during the investigation;
(6) Promptly provide access to and contact information for care provider facility staff, contractors, or sub-grantees of the care provider facility, care provider facility volunteers, or other individuals who have access to children in ORR care through other contracts or grants with ORR;
(7) Submit complete and accurate responses to any written questions in a timely manner;
(8) Fully cooperate with ORR;
(9) Fully cooperate with any investigation of the same allegation by State, local, and Federal authorities and relevant law enforcement agencies.
(b) Protection against retaliation. Care provider facility staff, contractors, or sub-grantees of the care provider facility, and care provider facility volunteers must not retaliate against any person who in good faith reports or participates in an investigation of child abuse or neglect.
(c) Obstruction, interference, delay of, or failure to permit an investigation. Obstruction, interference, delay of, or failure of a care provider facility to permit or cooperate with any investigation under this part, including failure to protect unaccompanied children from retaliation pursuant to § 412.103(b), may result in ORR taking monitoring and enforcement measures including, but not limited to: remote monitoring of the care provider facility; on-site monitoring of the care provider facility; monitoring of the corporate offices to review internal policies and reporting structures, as well as supervisory response to events; limiting or stopping new placements of unaccompanied children at the care provider facility; removing all unaccompanied children from the care provider facility and placing them into other care provider facilities; issuing corrective actions; terminating the cooperative agreement or contract with the care provider facility; or imposing other such remedies for noncompliance applicable to HHS grant recipients and contractors.
(d) Rights to legal representation, familial supports, and other supports. During the course of an investigation, care provider facilities must provide unaccompanied children confidential access to attorneys of record and other legal service providers, in a manner consistent with requirements established at 45 CFR 411.55 (as applicable) and 45 CFR 410.1309. Care provider facilities must provide unaccompanied children access to their families, including legal guardians, in a manner consistent with requirements established at 45 CFR 411.55 (as applicable) and 45 CFR 410.1309. Care provider facilities must provide unaccompanied children with access to their child advocates, in a manner consistent with the requirements at 8 U.S.C. 1232(c)(6) and 45 CFR 410.1308. Care provider facilities must also provide unaccompanied children access to health services (including specialists and mental health practitioners), individual counseling sessions, and crisis intervention (including access to outside victim services and rape crisis centers where appropriate) to most appropriately address unaccompanied children's needs, in a manner consistent with requirements established at 45 CFR 410.1307, 45 CFR 410.1311, 45 CFR 410.1302(c)(5), and 45 CFR 411.21 (as applicable).