View all text of Part 412 [§ 412.001 - § 412.103]
§ 412.101 - Interventions and discipline.
(a) ORR Central Registry. (1) ORR will maintain an ORR Central Registry consisting of the names of Tier I sustained perpetrators for purposes consistent with § 412.100(a) and (c). The ORR Central Registry will contain names and other identifying information for such persons, and details regarding any sustained allegations of child abuse and neglect against those persons.
(2) Subject to legal requirements regarding disclosure of information, as well as information sharing obligations with relevant State, local, or Federal authorities, the ORR Central Registry will not be public-facing, nor available to persons outside of ORR. The ORR Central Registry will only be used by ORR to identify Tier I sustained perpetrators, as defined in this part, and for ORR to use as part of the screening process by care provider facilities as described in § 412.101(b).
(b) Working and Volunteering Prohibitions and Mandatory ORR Central Registry Checks. (1) The individuals listed in the ORR Central Registry shall be prohibited from working or volunteering in any way on ORR-funded grants or contracts and may not have access to or contact with any unaccompanied child in ORR custody unless ORR removes such individual from the ORR Central Registry.
(2) As part of the screening process for hiring decisions for staff, contractors or sub-grantees, or for screening volunteers, all care provider facilities, home study providers, and post-release service providers, whether or not located in States that investigate child abuse and neglect allegations at ORR care provider facilities, must check with ORR to confirm that an applicant is not listed in the ORR Central Registry.
(3) All care provider facilities, home study providers, and post-release service providers, whether or not located in States that investigate child abuse and neglect allegations at ORR care provider facilities, must also check all of their personnel against the ORR Central Registry at least once annually.
(c) Disciplinary sanctions. Care provider facilities must implement appropriate disciplinary or remedial measures where they or ORR find that care provider facility staff, contractors or sub-grantees of the care provider facility, or care provider facility volunteers engaged in conduct that does not rise to the level of a Tier I substantiated allegation, as defined at § 412.001, but nevertheless raises child welfare concerns.
(d) Referrals to State, Local, and Other Federal Agencies. (1) ORR shall refer the names and other identifying information of Tier I sustained perpetrators to relevant State and local authorities and to relevant law enforcement agencies in the State in which the sustained allegation of child abuse or neglect occurred. Additionally, if a State or local authority or relevant local law enforcement agency outside of the State in which the Tier I sustained allegation occurred requests information about the sustained perpetrator, ORR will confirm whether a particular individual is on the ORR Central Registry.
(2) ORR will provide the names and other identifying information of Tier I sustained perpetrators to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and HHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG), consistent with any applicable agreements.
(3) ORR and care provider facilities shall not interfere with another State, local, or Federal authority or agency's investigation into allegations of child abuse and neglect.