Subpart C. Subpart C—Tribal TANF Plan Content and Processing
- § 286.65 - How can a Tribe apply to administer a Tribal Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF) Program?
- § 286.70 - Who submits a Tribal Family Assistance Plan?
- § 286.75 - What must be included in the Tribal Family Assistance Plan?
- § 286.80 - What information on minimum work participation requirements must a Tribe include in its Tribal Family Assistance Plan?
- § 286.85 - How will we calculate the work participation rates?
- § 286.90 - How many hours per week must an adult or minor head-of-household participate in work-related activities to count in the numerator of the work participation rate?
- § 286.95 - What, if any, are the special rules concerning counting work for two-parent families?
- § 286.100 - What activities count towards the work participation rate?
- § 286.105 - What limitations concerning vocational education, job search and job readiness assistance exist with respect to the work participation rate?
- § 286.110 - What safeguards are there to ensure that participants in Tribal TANF work activities do not displace other workers?
- § 286.115 - What information on time limits for the receipt of assistance must a Tribe include in its Tribal Family Assistance Plan?
- § 286.120 - Can Tribes make exceptions to the established time limit for families?
- § 286.125 - Does the receipt of TANF benefits under a State or other Tribal TANF program count towards a Tribe's TANF time limit?
- § 286.130 - Does the receipt of Welfare-to-Work (WtW) cash assistance count towards a Tribe's TANF time limit?
- § 286.135 - What information on penalties against individuals must be included in a Tribal Family Assistance Plan?
- § 286.140 - What special provisions apply to victims of domestic violence?
- § 286.145 - What is the penalty if an individual refuses to engage in work activities?
- § 286.150 - Can a family, with a child under age 6, be penalized because a parent refuses to work because (s)he cannot find child care?
- § 286.155 - May a Tribe condition eligibility for Tribal TANF assistance on assignment of child support to the Tribe?
- § 286.160 - What are the applicable time frames and procedures for submitting a Tribal Family Assistance Plan?
- § 286.165 - How is a Tribal Family Assistance Plan amended?
- § 286.170 - How may a Tribe petition for administrative review of disapproval of a TFAP or amendment?
- § 286.175 - What special provisions apply in Alaska?
- § 286.180 - What is the process for developing the comparability criteria that are required in Alaska?
- § 286.185 - What happens when a dispute arises between the State of Alaska and the Tribal TANF eligible entities in the State related to the comparability criteria?
- § 286.190 - If the Secretary, the State of Alaska, or any of the Tribal TANF eligible entities in the State of Alaska want to amend the comparability criteria, what is the process for doing so?