View all text of Subpart C [§ 260.70 - § 260.76]

§ 260.74 - How do existing welfare reform waivers affect the application of the Federal time-limit provisions?

(a)(1) If a State is implementing a time-limit component under a waiver, in accordance with this subpart, the provisions of section 408(a)(7) of the Act will not apply in determining if a penalty should be imposed, to the extent that they are inconsistent with the waiver.

(2) For the purpose of determining if the State's demonstration has a time-limit component, the waiver list for the demonstration must include provisions that directly correspond to the time-limit policies enumerated in section 408(a)(7) of the Act (i.e., address which individuals or families are subject to, or exempt from, terminations of assistance based solely on the passage of time or who qualifies for extensions to the time limit).

(b)(1) Generally, under an approved waiver, except as provided in paragraph (b)(3) of this section, a State will count, toward the Federal five-year limit, all months for which the head-of-household or spouse of the head-of-household subject to the State time limit receives assistance with Federal TANF funds, just as it would if it did not have an approved waiver.

(2) The State need not count, toward the Federal five-year limit, any months for which a head-of-household or spouse of the head-of-household receives assistance with Federal TANF funds while that individual is exempt from the State's time limit under the State's approved waiver.

(3) Where a State has continued a time limit under waivers that only terminates assistance for adults, the State need not count, toward the Federal five-year limit, any months for which an adult subject to the State time limit receives assistance with Federal TANF funds.

(4) The State may continue to provide assistance with Federal TANF funds for more than 60 months, without a numerical limit, to families provided extensions to the State time limit, under the provisions of the terms and conditions of the approved waiver.

(c) Corresponding to the inconsistencies certified by the Governor under § 260.75, we will calculate the State's time-limit exceptions by:

(1) Excluding, from the determination of the number of months of Federal assistance received by a family:

(i) Any month in which the adult(s) were exempt from the State's time limit under the terms of an approved waiver or any months in which the children received assistance under a waiver that only terminated assistance to adults; and

(ii) If applicable, experimental and control group cases not otherwise exempted; and

(2) Applying the State's waiver policies with respect to the availability of extensions to the time limit.