View all text of Subpart C [§ 260.70 - § 260.76]

§ 260.72 - What basic requirements must State demonstration components meet for the purpose of determining if inconsistencies exist with respect to work requirements or time limits?

(a) The policies must be consistent with the requirements of section 415 of the Act and the requirements of this subpart.

(b) The policies must be within the scope of the approved waivers both in terms of geographical coverage and the coverage of the types of cases specified in the waiver approval package.

(c) The State must have applied its waiver policies on a continuous basis from the date that it implemented its TANF program, except that it may have adopted modifications that have the effect of making its policies more consistent with the provisions of PRWORA.

(d) An inconsistency may not apply beyond the earlier of the following dates:

(1) The expiration of waiver authority as determined in accordance with the demonstration terms and conditions; or

(2) For any specific inconsistency, the date upon which the State discontinued the applicable waiver policy.

(e) The State must submit the Governor's certification specified in § 260.75.

(f) In general, the policies in this subpart do not have the effect of delaying the date when a State might be subject to the work or time-limit penalties at §§ 261.50, 261.54, and 264.1 of this chapter or the data collection requirements at part 265 of this chapter.