View all text of Subpart B [§ 5.21 - § 5.29]

§ 5.28 - How does HHS respond to my request?

(a) The appropriate FOIA Officer will send you a response informing you of our release determination, including whether any responsive records were located, how much responsive material was located, whether the records are being released in full or withheld in full or in part, any fees you must pay for processing of the request, and your right to seek assistance from the appropriate FOIA Public Liaison.

(b) If we deny any part of your request, our response will explain the reasons for the denial, which FOIA exemptions apply to the withheld records, your right to appeal that determination, and your right to seek dispute resolution services from the appropriate FOIA Public Liaison or the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS). We will advise you of the number of pages withheld or the estimated volume of withheld records, unless providing such information would harm an interest protected by an applicable FOIA exemption.

(c) Records may be withheld in full or in part if any of the nine FOIA exemptions apply. If we determine to withhold part of a record pursuant to an exemption, we will provide access to reasonably segregable non-exempt information contained in the record. On the released portion of the record, we indicate where the information has been redacted and the exemption(s) we applied, unless including that indication would harm an interest the exemption protects. In Subpart C of this part, we list the exemptions to disclosure that may apply to agency records.

(d) We also may deny your request for other reasons, including that a request does not reasonably describe the records sought; the information requested is not a record subject to the FOIA; the requested records do not exist, cannot be located, or have been destroyed; or that the requested records are not readily reproducible in the form or format requested.

(e) If a request involves a voluminous amount of material or searches in multiple locations, we may provide you with interim responses if feasible and reasonably possible, releasing the records on a rolling basis.

(f) Copies of records in the format you request will be provided if the records already exist in that format or if they are reasonably and readily reproducible in the format you request.