View all text of Subjgrp 291 [§ 6302.10 - § 6302.19]
§ 6302.16 - When and how may I gather scientific information about resources in BLM wilderness?
(a) You may conduct research, including gathering information and collecting natural or cultural resources in wilderness areas, using methods that may cause greater impacts on the wilderness environment than allowed under § 6302.15(a), if—
(1) Similar research opportunities are not reasonably available outside wilderness;
(2) You carry out your proposed activity in a manner compatible with the preservation of the wilderness environment and conforming to the applicable management plan;
(3) Any ground disturbance or removal of material is the minimum necessary for the scientific purposes of the research; and
(4) You have an authorization from BLM.
(b) You must reclaim disturbed areas, and BLM may require you to post a bond.