View all text of Subjgrp 259 [§ 3809.430 - § 3809.434]
§ 3809.434 - How does this subpart apply to pending modifications for new or existing facilities?
(a) This subpart applies to modifications pending before BLM on January 20, 2001 to construct a new facility, such as a waste rock repository, leach pad, drill site, or access road; or to modify an existing mine facility such as expansion of a waste rock repository or leach pad.
(b) All provisions of this subpart, except plan content (§ 3809.401) and performance standards (§§ 3809.415 and 3809.420) apply to any modification of a plan of operations that was pending on January 20, 2001. See § 3809.505 for applicability of financial guarantee requirements.
(c) If your unapproved modification of a plan of operations is pending on January 20, 2001, then the plan content requirements (§ 3809.1-5) and the performance standards (§§ 3809.1-3(d) and 3809.2-2) that were in effect immediately before January 20, 2001 apply to your modification of a plan of operations. (See 43 CFR parts 1000-end, revised as of Oct. 1, 2000).
(d) If you want this subpart to apply to your pending modification of a plan of operations, where not otherwise required, you may choose to have this subpart apply.