View all text of Subjgrp 256 [§ 3809.200 - § 3809.204]
§ 3809.203 - What are the limitations on BLM deferral to State regulation of operations?
Any agreement between BLM and a State in which BLM defers to State regulation of some or all operations on public lands is subject to the following limitations:
(a) Plans of Operations. BLM must concur with each State decision approving a plan of operations to assure compliance with this subpart, and BLM retains responsibility for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The State and BLM may decide who will be the lead agency in the plan review process, including preparation of NEPA documents.
(b) Federal land-use planning and other Federal laws. BLM will continue to be responsible for all land-use planning on public lands and for implementing other Federal laws relating to the public lands for which BLM is responsible.
(c) Federal enforcement. BLM may take any authorized action to enforce the requirements of this subpart or any term, condition, or limitation of a notice or an approved plan of operations. BLM may take this action regardless of the nature of its agreement with a State, or actions taken by a State.
(d) Financial guarantee. The amount of the financial guarantee must be calculated based on the completion of both Federal and State reclamation requirements, but may be held as one instrument. If the financial guarantee is held as one instrument, it must be redeemable by both the Secretary and the State. BLM must concur in the approval, release, or forfeiture of a financial guarantee for public lands.
(e) State performance. If BLM determines that a State is not in compliance with all or part of its Federal/State agreement, BLM will notify the State and provide a reasonable time for the State to comply.
(f) Termination. (1) If a State does not comply after being notified under paragraph (e) of this section, BLM will take appropriate action, which may include termination of all or part of the agreement.
(2) A State may terminate its agreement by notifying BLM 60 calendar days in advance.