Subpart 3601. Subpart 3601—Mineral Materials Disposal; General Provisions
Fundamental Provisions
Limitations on Disposal of Mineral Materials
- SECTION § 3601.10 - Limitations on BLM's discretion to dispose of mineral materials.
- SECTION § 3601.11 - When will environmental considerations prevent BLM from disposing of mineral materials?
- SECTION § 3601.12 - What areas does BLM exclude from disposal of mineral materials?
- SECTION § 3601.13 - How can I obtain mineral materials from Federal lands that have been withdrawn to aid a function of another Federal agency or of a State or local government agency?
- SECTION § 3601.14 - When can BLM dispose of mineral materials from unpatented mining claims?
Rights of Purchasers and Permittees
Pre-Application Sampling and Testing
Mining and Reclamation Plans
- SECTION § 3601.40 - Mining and reclamation plans.
- SECTION § 3601.41 - What information must I include in my mining plan?
- SECTION § 3601.42 - What information must I include in my reclamation plan?
- SECTION § 3601.43 - What is the process for BLM to approve my mining and reclamation plans?
- SECTION § 3601.44 - How and when may my mining or reclamation plan be modified?
Contract and Permit Administration
Contract and Permit Cancellation
Unauthorized Use