View all text of Subjgrp 203 [§ 3515.20 - § 3515.22]
§ 3515.22 - What if the lands to be exchanged are not of equal value?
If the lands are not equal in value, either party may equalize the value by paying money to the party receiving the property of lesser value. Such payments may not exceed 25 percent of the total value of the land or interest transferred out of Federal ownership. The parties may mutually agree to waive the monetary payment, if the Secretary determines that:
(a) A waiver will expedite the exchange;
(b) The public interest will be better served by the waiver than by the payment; and
(c) The amount to be waived is no more than 3 percent of the value of the lands being transferred out of Federal ownership, or $15,000, whichever is less.