Subpart 3509. Subpart 3509—Fractional and Future Interest Lease Applications
- § 3509.10 - What are future interest leases?
- § 3509.11 - Under what conditions will BLM issue a future interest lease to me?
- § 3509.12 - Who may apply for a future interest lease?
- § 3509.15 - Do I have to pay for a future interest lease?
- § 3509.16 - How do I apply for a future interest lease?
- § 3509.17 - What information must I include in my application for a future interest lease?
- § 3509.18 - What will BLM do after it receives my application for a future interest lease?
- § 3509.20 - When does my future interest lease take effect?
- § 3509.25 - For what reasons will BLM reject my application for a future interest lease?
- § 3509.30 - May I withdraw my application for a future interest lease?
- § 3509.40 - What are fractional interest prospecting permits and leases?
- § 3509.41 - For what lands may BLM issue fractional interest prospecting permits and leases?
- § 3509.45 - Who may apply for a fractional interest prospecting permit or lease?
- § 3509.46 - How do I apply for a fractional interest prospecting permit or lease?
- § 3509.47 - What information must I include in my application for a fractional interest prospecting permit or lease?
- § 3509.48 - What will BLM do after it receives my application for a fractional interest lease?
- § 3509.49 - What terms and conditions apply to my fractional interest prospecting permit or lease?
- § 3509.50 - Under what conditions would BLM reject my application for a fractional interest prospecting permit or lease?
- § 3509.51 - May I withdraw my application for a fractional interest prospecting permit or lease?