Subpart 3503. Subpart 3503—Areas Available for Leasing
Available Areas Under BLM Management
- SECTION § 3503.10 - Are all Federal lands available for leasing under this part?
- SECTION § 3503.11 - Are there any other areas in which I cannot get a permit or lease for the minerals covered by this part?
- SECTION § 3503.12 - For what areas may I receive a sulphur permit or lease?
- SECTION § 3503.13 - For what areas may I receive a hardrock mineral permit or lease?
- SECTION § 3503.14 - For what areas may I get a permit or lease for asphalt?
- SECTION § 3503.15 - May I lease the gold or silver reserved to the United States on land I hold under a private land claim in New Mexico?
- SECTION § 3503.16 -
Available Areas Managed by Others
- SECTION § 3503.20 - What if another Federal agency manages the lands I am interested in?
- SECTION § 3503.21 - What happens if the surface of the land I am interested in belongs to a non-Federal political subdivision or charitable organization?
- SECTION § 3503.25 - When may BLM issue permits and leases for Federal minerals underlying private surface?
- SECTION § 3503.28 - Does BLM incorporate any special requirements to protect the lands and resources?
Land Descriptions
- SECTION § 3503.30 - How should I describe surveyed lands or lands shown on protraction or amended protraction diagrams in states which are part of the Public Land Survey System?
- SECTION § 3503.31 - How should I describe lands in states which are part of the Public Land Survey System but have not been surveyed and are not shown on a protraction or amended protraction diagram?
- SECTION § 3503.32 - How should I describe acquired lands?
- SECTION § 3503.33 - Will BLM issue me a lease for unsurveyed lands?
Acreage Amounts
Filing Applications
- SECTION § 3503.40 - Where do I file my permit or lease application and other necessary documents?
- SECTION § 3503.41 - Will BLM disclose information I submit under these regulations?
- SECTION § 3503.42 - When I submit confidential, proprietary information, how can I help ensure it is not available to the public?
- SECTION § 3503.43 - How long will information I give BLM remain confidential or proprietary?
- SECTION § 3503.44 - How will BLM treat Indian information submitted under the Indian Mineral Development Act?
- SECTION § 3503.45 - How will BLM administer information concerning other Indian minerals?
- SECTION § 3503.46 - When will BLM consult with Indian mineral owners when information concerning their minerals is the subject of a FOIA request?