View all text of Subjgrp 146 [§ 3179.90 - § 3179.92]

§ 3179.90 - Oil storage tank vapors.

(a) The hatch on an oil storage tank may be open only to the extent necessary to conduct production and measurement operations. All oil storage tanks, hatches, connections, and other access points must be vapor tight (i.e., capable of holding pressure differential at the installed pressure-relieving or vapor-recovery device's settings). Upon discovery of an oil storage tank hatch that has been left open or unlatched, and unattended, the BLM will impose an immediate assessment of $1,000 on the operator.

(b) Where practical and safe, gas released from an oil storage tank must be flared rather than vented. An operator may commingle vapors from multiple storage tanks to a single flare without prior approval from the BLM.