Subpart 3175. Subpart 3175—Measurement of Gas
- § 3175.10 - Definitions and acronyms.
- § 3175.20 - General requirements.
- § 3175.30 - Incorporation by reference.
- § 3175.31 - Specific performance requirements.
- § 3175.40 - Measurement equipment approved by standard or make and model.
- § 3175.41 - Flange-tapped orifice plates.
- § 3175.42 - Chart recorders.
- § 3175.43 - Transducers.
- § 3175.44 - Flow-computer software.
- § 3175.45 - Gas chromatographs.
- § 3175.46 - Isolating flow conditioners.
- § 3175.47 - Differential primary devices other than flange-tapped orifice plates.
- § 3175.48 - Linear measurement devices.
- § 3175.49 - Accounting systems.
- § 3175.60 - Timeframes for compliance.
- § 3175.61 - Grandfathering.
- § 3175.70 - Measurement location.
- § 3175.80 - Flange-tapped orifice plates (primary devices).
- § 3175.90 - Mechanical recorder (secondary device).
- § 3175.91 - Installation and operation of mechanical recorders.
- § 3175.92 - Verification and calibration of mechanical recorders.
- § 3175.93 - Integration statements.
- § 3175.94 - Volume determination.
- § 3175.100 - Electronic gas measurement (secondary and tertiary device).
- § 3175.101 - Installation and operation of electronic gas measurement systems.
- § 3175.102 - Verification and calibration of electronic gas measurement systems.
- § 3175.103 - Flow rate, volume, and average value calculation.
- § 3175.104 - Logs and records.
- § 3175.110 - Gas sampling and analysis.
- § 3175.111 - General sampling requirements.
- § 3175.112 - Sampling probe and tubing.
- § 3175.113 - Spot samples—general requirements.
- § 3175.114 - Spot samples—allowable methods.
- § 3175.115 - Spot samples—frequency.
- § 3175.116 - Composite sampling methods.
- § 3175.117 - On-line gas chromatographs.
- § 3175.118 - Gas chromatograph requirements.
- § 3175.119 - Components to analyze.
- § 3175.120 - Gas analysis report requirements.
- § 3175.121 - Effective date of a spot or composite gas sample.
- § 3175.125 - Calculation of heating value and volume
- § 3175.126 - Reporting of heating value and volume.
- § 3175.130 - Transducer testing protocol.
- § 3175.131 - General requirements for transducer testing.
- § 3175.132 - Testing of reference accuracy.
- § 3175.133 - Testing of influence effects.
- § 3175.134 - Transducer test reporting.
- § 3175.135 - Uncertainty determination.
- § 3175.140 - Flow-computer software testing.
- § 3175.141 - General requirements for flow-computer software testing.
- § 3175.142 - Required static tests.
- § 3175.143 - Required dynamic tests.
- § 3175.144 - Flow-computer software test reporting.
- § 3175.150 - Immediate assessments.