View all text of Subjgrp 117 [§ 3137.80 - § 3137.92]
§ 3137.92 - When does a participating area terminate?
(a) After contraction under § 3137.76 of this subpart, a participating area terminates 60 calendar days after BLM notifies you that there is insufficient production to meet the operating costs of that production, unless you show that within 60 calendar days after BLM's notification—
(1) Your operations to restore or establish new production are in progress; and
(2) You are diligently pursuing oil or gas production.
(b) If you demonstrate to BLM that reasons beyond your control prevent you, despite reasonable diligence, from meeting the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section within 60 calendar days after BLM notifies you that there is insufficient production to meet the operating costs of that production, BLM will extend the period of time to start those operations.