View all text of Subjgrp 116 [§ 3137.70 - § 3137.76]
§ 3137.72 - What if reasons beyond my control prevent me from meeting the initial or a continuing development obligation by the time the unit agreement specifies?
(a) If reasons beyond your control prevent you from meeting the initial or a continuing development obligation by the time specified in the unit agreement, you may apply to BLM for an extension of time for meeting those obligations. You must submit the request for an extension of time before the date the obligation is due to be met. In the application-
(1) State the obligation for which you are requesting an extension;
(2) List the reasons beyond your control that prevent you from performing the obligation; and
(3) State when you expect the reasons beyond your control to terminate.
(b) BLM will grant an extension of time to meet initial or continuing development obligations if we determine that-
(1) The extension encourages the greatest ultimate recovery of oil or gas or it is in the interest of conservation; and
(2) The reasons beyond your control prevent you from performing the initial or a continuing development obligation.
(c) The extension of time for performing the initial or a continuing development obligation will continue for so long as the conditions giving rise to the extension continue to exist.