View all text of Subjgrp 112 [§ 3137.15 - § 3137.28]

§ 3137.23 - NPR-A unitization application.

The unitization application must include:

(a) The proposed unit agreement;

(b) A map showing the proposed unit area;

(c) A list of committed tracts including, for each tract, the:

(1) Legal land description and acreage;

(2) Names of persons holding record title interest;

(3) Names of persons owning operating rights; and

(4) Name of the unit operator.

(d) A statement certifying:

(1) The operator invited all owners of oil and gas rights (leased or unleased) and lease interests (record title and operating rights) within the external boundary of the unit area described in the application to join the unit;

(2) That there are sufficient tracts committed to the unit agreement to reasonably operate and develop the unit area;

(3) The commitment status of all tracts within the area proposed for unitization; and

(4) The operator accepts unit obligations under § 3137.60 of this subpart.

(e) Evidence of acceptable bonding;

(f) A discussion of reasonably foreseeable and significantly adverse effects on the surface resources of the NPR-A and how unit operations may reduce impacts compared to individual lease operations;

(g) A discussion of the proposed methodology for allocating production among the committed tracts. If the unit includes non-Federal oil and gas mineral estate, you must explain how the methodology takes into account reservoir heterogeneity and area variation in reservoir producibility; and

(h) Other documentation that the BLM may request. The BLM may require additional copies of maps, plats, and other similar exhibits.

(i) The processing fee found in the fee schedule in § 3000.120 of this chapter.

[89 FR 30987, Apr. 23, 2024]