View all text of Subjgrp 48 [§ 2866.14 - § 2866.15]

§ 2866.14 - Under what circumstances am I exempt from paying rent?

(a) You are exempt from rent under this part if:

(1) You are a Federal, State, or local governmental entity (except as provided by paragraph (b) of this section);

(2) You have been granted an exemption under a statute providing for such; or

(3) Your facilities were financed in whole or in part, or are eligible for financing, under the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as amended (REA) (7 U.S.C. 901 et seq.) or are extensions of such facilities. However, when a holder who is exempt from rent under REA adds non-eligible tenant uses on the authorization, the holder will become subject to rent in accordance with §§ 2866.30 through 2866.44.

(b) Exceptions:

(1) The exemptions in this section do not apply if you are in trespass.

(2) If you are a governmental entity, you are not exempt from rent when:

(i) The facility, system, space, or any part of the authorization is being used for commercial purposes;

(ii) You are a municipal utility or cooperative whose principal source of revenue is customer charges; or

(iii) You charge the United States rent for occupancy within or on your facility beyond standard operation and maintenance fees.