View all text of Subjgrp 36 [§ 93.501 - § 93.511]
§ 93.511 - The Administrative Law Judge's ruling.
(a) Based on the administrative record, the ALJ shall issue a ruling in writing within 60 days after the last submission by the parties in the case, setting forth whether ORI's research misconduct findings and proposed HHS administrative actions reflected in the charge letter are reasonable and not based on a material error of law or fact. If the ALJ is unable to meet the 60-day deadline, the ALJ must set a new deadline and promptly notify the parties. The ALJ shall serve a copy of the ruling upon the parties and the ASH.
(b) The ruling of the ALJ constitutes a recommended decision to the ASH. The ASH may review the ALJ's recommended decision and adopt, modify, or reject it (in whole or in part) as needed to ensure that the decision is reasonable and not based on a material error of law or fact. Within 30 days after service of the ALJ's recommended decision, the ASH shall notify the parties of the ASH's intent to review or not to review the ALJ's recommended decision. If the ASH does not provide notice of intent within the 30-day period or notifies the parties that the ASH does not intend to review the ALJ's recommended decision, the ALJ's recommended decision shall become final. An ALJ's recommended decision that becomes final in that manner or the ASH's decision after review constitutes the final HHS action on both ORI's findings of research misconduct and any HHS administrative actions.