View all text of Subjgrp 36 [§ 93.501 - § 93.511]

§ 93.508 - Filing, format, and service.

(a) Filing. (1) Unless the ALJ provides otherwise, all submissions required or authorized to be filed in the proceeding must be filed with the ALJ.

(2) Submissions are considered filed when they are filed with the DAB according to the DAB's filing guidance.

(b) Format. (1) The ALJ may designate the format for copies of nondocumentary materials such as videotapes, computer disks, or physical evidence. This provision does not apply to the charge letter or other written notice provided under § 93.405.

(2) Every submission filed in the proceeding must include the title of the case, the docket number, and a designation of the nature of the submission.

(3) Every submission filed in the proceeding must be signed by and contain the address and telephone number of the party on whose behalf the document or paper was filed, or the attorney of record for the party.

(c) Service. Service of a submission on other parties is accomplished by filing the submission with the ALJ through the DAB electronic filing system.