Subpart J. Subpart J—Prospective Payment for Skilled Nursing Facilities
- § 413.330 - Basis and scope.
- § 413.333 - Definitions.
- § 413.335 - Basis of payment.
- § 413.337 - Methodology for calculating the prospective payment rates.
- § 413.338 - Skilled nursing facility value-based purchasing program.
- § 413.340 - Transition period.
- § 413.343 -
- § 413.345 - Publication of Federal prospective payment rates.
- § 413.348 - Limitation on review.
- § 413.350 - Periodic interim payments for skilled nursing facilities receiving payment under the skilled nursing facility prospective payment system for Part A services.
- § 413.355 - Additional payment: QIO reimbursement for cost of sending records electronically or by photocopy and mailing.
- § 413.360 - Requirements under the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Quality Reporting Program (QRP).